
At Grace there are ministries to be a part of or receive help from.


We believe teenagers are world changers! Our youth ministry isn’t just another cool activity to add to a busy schedule. It’s a place for students to build deep friendships, experience God personally and be equipped for the work of ministry.  When junior-high and high-school students are devoted to Jesus, they can make a big impact in their homes, schools and other areas of influence.

Each of our events and youth services are geared toward equipping students to live lives devoted to Jesus while developing deep friendships. Our Friday night  Youth Services are geared to prepare young people for success in life, everything from worship sessions, prayer sessions, debate, Bible quiz, “Real Talk”, panel discussions to pizza and games nights etc.


It is our prayer and purpose to minister to the TOTAL woman across the various age groups through different means and programs. We will encourage positive relationships with each other and bridge the gap between our young and mature ladies in order to fulfill our God given role. The task is great and the time is spent. Let us diligently work for the kingdom of God before it is too late. The ladies encourage fellowship and Christian character through several events such as Ladies Wednesday night Bible studies, an annual Ladies Conference and several prayer meetings. Our younger ladies unite under the title “Soul Sistas”. This group gathers for several events that strengthen the relationships among our younger generation.


We believe teenagers are world changers! Our youth ministry isn’t just another cool activity to add to a busy schedule. It’s a place for students to build deep friendships, experience God personally and be equipped for the work of ministry.  When junior-high and high-school students are devoted to Jesus, they can make a big impact in their homes, schools and other areas of influence.

Each of our events and youth services are geared toward equipping students to live lives devoted to Jesus while developing deep friendships. Our Friday night  Youth Services are geared to prepare young people for success in life, everything from worship sessions, prayer sessions, debate, Bible quiz, “Real Talk”, panel discussions to pizza and games nights etc.


Grace Music Ministry (comprised of the choirs and band ministry) ushers the “presence of God” into each service in which we minister, preparing the hearts of God’s people for the Word and setting the tone for lives to be changed!

We are here to proclaim the “Gospel of Jesus Christ” through music to the world around us, and to offer worship and praise to God while ministering to the body of Christ. We understand that it is not so much the talent that influences the lives of men and women, but the anointing of the ”Holy Ghost.”


It is our belief that being grounded in the faith and knowledge of God’s Word makes it possible for us to live as children of God. The apostle Paul encouraged Timothy, and all other believers to:
“… But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of, because you know those from whom you learned it, and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. .
2 Timothy 3:14-15 (KJV)

Our mission is to institute an academic, spiritual and social climate that will facilitate, foster and motivate the development of the “total man” from birth through adulthood